- 非IC关键词
- 相关证件: 
- 会员类型:普通会员
- 地址:西安市雁塔区太白南路263号
- 传真:029-88221540
- E-mail:baiweiping@365-24.com.cn
07-1 07-1 -1043 07-1 07-1 -1063 07-1073
07-1133-300000 07-1134-300000 07-1143-300000 07-1153-300000 07-1154-300000 07-1163-300000 07-1173-300000
07-1 07-1 07-1 07-1 07-1 07-1 07-1
C07A1153-300000 C07A1154-300000 C07A1163-300000 C07A1173-300000
07-3033 07-3034 07-3043 07-3053 07-3054 07-3063 07-3073
07-3133-300000 07-3134-300000 07-3143-300000 07-3153-300000 07-3154-300000 07-3163-300000 07-3173-300000
07-3 07-3 07-3 07-3 07-3 07-3 07-3
C07A3153-300000 C07A3154-300000 C07A3163-300000 C07A3173-300000
2 to 16 positions BCD, hex or gray coding
For rugged environments
Up to 3.5 Ncm switching torque
Gold plated contacts
THT (reflow version on request)
Washable (sealed contact system)
Optional IP68 front panel sealing (up to 5 bar)
Operating temperature range: -40 to +85!a
Various options and customization